2011年6月11日 星期六

The 9 Juiciest Sarah Palin Emails

The 9 Juiciest Sarah Palin Emails

by The Daily Beast

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 The Daily Beast

Flipping on climate change, joking with Bush, denying that Bristol is pregnant?read the most surprising messages from the Palin email trove.

The state of Alaska has released 24,199 printed pages of emails from Sarah Palin's tenure as governor that range from her inauguration in 2006 up to the 2008 presidential campaign. The documents include messages from Palin's official email account, as well as two private Yahoo accounts. From her flip on climate change to her praise for Obama and her jokes with George W. Bush, read about the juiciest emails. Plus, full coverage here.

1. Kind Words for Obama

In an email dated August 4, 2008, from her Yahoo account?just three weeks before joining Sen. John McCain?s ticket?Palin wrote that Obama had given a ?great speech? in Michigan, and praised his mention of Alaska. ?We need to take advantage of this a[nd] write a statement saying he?s right on,? she wrote. In a follow-up email, Palin added Obama ?did say ?yay? to our pipeline. Pretty cool. Wrong candidate.?

HP Main - Sarah Palin Juiciest Emails 2Donald Traill / AP Photo

2. Climate Change a ?Top? Issue

Although she would later dismiss climate change as ?junk science,? Palin didn?t always feel that way. In an email dated Sept. 15, 2008, Palin wrote that ?climate change is the top issue for our state.? Later in her political career, Palin distanced herself from such a stance, at one point calling climate science ?junk.?

3. Her Own Controversial Pastor

Obama has Reverend Jeremiah Wright and Palin has Pastor John Hagee. McCain rejected an endorsement from Hagee, an avowedly anti-Semitic zealot, in 2008?citing his hate speech as the reason. But in a May 3, 2007, email, Palin asked her scheduler to see if she could attend one of Hagee?s events at the Juneau Christian Center in June. When Palin learned she couldn?t make it, she wrote back ?I should try to get back to juno for this one.?

4. Hesitant on Social Issues

Perhaps the most unfamiliar side of Palin is shown when it comes to being a social conservative crusader. In an email dated March 16, 2007, Palin wrote that she was ?torn? about endorsing a ballot question outlawing benefits for same-sex couples, supported by the Alaska Family Coalition. ?My belief is administration should NOT attempt to sway the outcome of ballot props ? my belief that we weren?t supposed to try to sway the vote once it?s in the hands of the people,? she wrote.

5. Denying Bristol's Pregnancy...While Bristol Is Pregnant

When rumors began circulating that her 18-year-old daughter Bristol was pregnant in April 2008, the hands-on Mama Grizzly scoffed at the news, writing that the rumors are "pretty pathetic." What's more, she blamed Alaska state senate president Lyda Green and her staff for brewing lies: "Flippin' Unbelievable. Wouldn't you think they'd be afraid of being proved wrong when they rumor around the building like that??hopefully it'll be another reason why reporters and the public can't trust that odd group of strange people." The media has found no email records of Palin rescinding her accusations, after learning that Bristol was indeed pregnant and would give birth to her son in December, 2008 - eight months after the "rumors" began circulating.

Source: http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2011-06-11/sarah-palin-emails-the-juiciest-emails-from-bristol-pregnancy-to-obama/

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