2011年6月4日 星期六

GOPers hit up Faith and Freedom Coalition

GOPers hit up Faith and Freedom Coalition
GOPers hit up Faith and Freedom Coalition

Washington (CNN) - Leading Republicans are in Washington Friday and Saturday speaking before the conservative Faith and Freedom Coalition conference. Some highlights from the speeches are below. Read more about the conference here.

Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour on President Obama's re-election: "Barack Obama has worn out two sets of knee pads down on his knees praying that conservatives will split it up (the 2012 vote) and have some third party candidate. And my hat is off to the tea party people who have said no, we're going to run as Republicans because we understand that's the way to get there."

Barbour on Republicans in 2012: "Conservatives, religious people, small government people, we are not going to have purity, we're not going to have a perfect candidate. There's only been one perfect person that ever walked on this earth and there ain't going to be another one in this election."

"Advocate who you want, advocate your candidate but once we have a nominee make sure people compare our nominee, our direction, our beliefs, our principles, our faith to Barack Obama. Nothing will be more unifying for us if our heads are right about this."

Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann on health care reform: "I am convinced that ultimately ... we will win this fight because we will repeal Obamacare. It will happen. And I am committed, I am committed. I will not rest until we repeal Obamacare. America will not rest until we repeal Obamacare. Take it to the bank. Cash the check. It will be done. It will not stand; the American people will not stand."

"Because know that you know that you know that you know, the American people are with us on this issue. That's why the window of opportunity that we have in 2012 is so crucial."

Bachmann on Israel: "Our president made a shocking display of betraying our greatest friend and ally, Israel, when he said to Israel you need to give up more land, you must give up more land, shrink to your 67 borders, as a matter of fact cut your nation in two so you're separated from each other to indefensible borders and give that land away to the Palestinians who by the way don't even recognize that Israel exists or has a right to defend herself. America must do what all previous presidents have done since Harry Truman and stand with Israel. I stand with Israel. He does not speak for us on the issue of Israel."

Former Utah governor and potential presidential candidate Jon Huntsman: "I came today not to give a political speech but simply to introduce myself and my family. If the Faith and Freedom Coalition were to understand one political thing about me and the state I served it would be this: Utah had some of the greatest people in the nation. In Utah, people know the difference between freedom and serfdom. The serfdom of high debt and massive government and the toll these take on our liberty, our economy and our lives. And that ladies and gentlemen I believe will be the essence of the election in 2012."

Huntsman on America's future: "This too is a time for choosing. This is a moment when we will choose whether we are to become a declining power in the world, eaten from within or a nation that regains its economic health and maintains its long loved liberties. Ladies and gentlemen, this is not just a time for choosing new leaders, this is the hour when we choose our future."

Real estate mogul Donald Trump on Iraq:
?In the old days if we win we get the country, if we lose we get the hell out...We should give our soldiers and their families money [from Iraq]. We won the war, we?re going to take some oil, we?re going to pay ourselves back.?

Trump on America's future: ?We have problems that are solvable in this country...With the right leader, this country can be great again. If we don?t make a change at the top, we are going over the ledge.?

2012 presidential candidate and Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty on President Obama:
"If we're going to restore America's promise, we need to have a president that keeps his promises to America. That's not Barack Obama...tell President Obama 'We've had enough of your broken promises, we've had enough of your fluffy rhetoric. Lead the country or get out of the way.'"

Pawlenty on foreign policy: "Radical Islam, not all of Islam, but radical Islam believes it's okay to kill in the name of their religion and it's not, we need to say that...We need a president of the United States that stands shoulder to shoulder with our great friend Israel and makes sure there is no daylight between the United States and Israel.

Pawlenty on debt: We cannot spend more than we take in. Just because we followed Greece into democracy doesn't mean we need to follow them into bankruptcy.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, 2008 and 2012 presidential candidate on President Obama and the economy:
"We're united in our belief in America...and we're also united in our concern for America because our country is in peril. Barack Obama has failed the American people."

"When he took office his number one job was to get the economy to turn around...so now, three years later, we have high unemployment...we still have, three years later, home foreclosures at record levels...and what does he have to say about this? He says 'I'm just getting started.'"

"This is not just a crisis, this is a moral crisis that we face in this country. And when this crisis is going on, the president is in the Midwest today taking a victory lap."

"I don't think it's possible to solve a crisis if you can't see a crisis. And this president can't see this crisis and we do."

Texas GOP Rep. Ron Paul, 2012 candidate for president: "I cannot imagine any two more important issues than freedom and faith. The goal of all political activities is liberty and what is the purpose of liberty."

"I don't think we need a king and we don't need Washington to act as if they're the king of this government...people have become dependent on the government and it's cradle to grave...we have confused liberty and where it comes from."

"We're at the crossroads right now because we have lived beyond our means, become totally dependent and done all the things we shouldn't do and none of the things we should do...There's nothing moral about our financial system and our monetary system and this recent breakdown is proof positive."

"We spent too much and we borrowed too much and we printed too much and that didn't help."

Source: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/06/03/gopers-hit-up-faith-and-freedom-coalition/

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