2011年5月11日 星期三

Battles - Ice Cream

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  • Music Buzz Every once in a while, a video comes along that brings with it a little something for everyone?this is that video.

+ ?
  • My new Spin Doctors order finally arrived! I'll cover the bill? where can I leave a tip??

  • Andrew G. thinks Battles - Ice Cream is WTF a�few�minutes�ago
  • Oh. It's the new Spin Doctors. Did we order one of those? I'm pretty sure we didn't. I don't care how we split the bill, I'm not paying for this shit.

  • osizimetea thinks Battles - Ice Cream is WTF & Win about�a�half�hour�ago
  • Spaghetty Irish thinks Battles - Ice Cream is WTF about�an�hour�ago
  • the dog is trying to figure out what to do with the bananas at the end.

  • drewh4 Battles - Ice Cream and thinks it?s Win about�an�hour�ago
  • jorgeandrsalvaradop thinks Battles - Ice Cream is WTF about�5�hours�ago
  • ClaudiaJAJA thinks Battles - Ice Cream is WTF about�7�hours�ago
  • Jack Shepherd Battles - Ice Cream about�8�hours�ago
  • rainbowcrab thinks Battles - Ice Cream is WTF about�8�hours�ago
  • dales2 Battles - Ice Cream about�15�hours�ago

Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/gregp3/battles-ice-cream-2nvq

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