2011年5月22日 星期日

Doctor Who Infographic: 6 Years, One Chart

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  • Culture Buzz The complete, up-to-date events of Doctor Who seasons 1-6 are detailed in this awesome infographic.

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  • Karen Neapolitan thinks Doctor Who Infographic: 6 Years, One�Chart is Geeky a�few�minutes�ago
  • AmericanColleen Doctor Who Infographic: 6 Years, One�Chart and thinks it?s Geeky about�7�hours�ago
  • aliciaw Doctor Who Infographic: 6 Years, One�Chart about�10�hours�ago
  • HarrietPotter23 Doctor Who Infographic: 6 Years, One�Chart about�10�hours�ago
  • being only three episodes in, this simultaneously scares, and excites me.

  • Markatto Doctor Who Infographic: 6 Years, One�Chart and thinks it?s Geeky about�a�day�ago
  • catesish Doctor Who Infographic: 6 Years, One�Chart and thinks it?s Win & Geeky about�a�day�ago

Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/comicscavern/doctor-who-infographic-6-years-onechart-1vcf

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