The time of the month is unavoidable, but what do men really think about mother nature's gift? The folks at Mad Atoms share their sentiments in pie chart form. (via)
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View Stats Dashboard - moyw thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is LOL a�few�minutes�ago �
- Aaron Appler What Men Think About Menstruation about�15�minutes�ago �
we ladies are so lucky.
- Emily E. What Men Think About Menstruation and thinks it?s LOL about�a�half�hour�ago �
- jeskahismoi thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is LOL about�a�half�hour�ago �
- cailam What Men Think About Menstruation and thinks it?s LOL about�an�hour�ago �
- carlovely thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is LOL about�an�hour�ago �
- mimimi thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is LOL about�an�hour�ago �
- joos thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is Win about�an�hour�ago �
- turtlefeed thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is WTF about�an�hour�ago �
- Rebecca G. What Men Think About Menstruation about�an�hour�ago �
- yuareysyuaa thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is LOL about�an�hour�ago �
- lolwizards What Men Think About Menstruation about�an�hour�ago �
- whitezephyr thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is LOL about�an�hour�ago �
- pealmoggs thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is LOL about�an�hour�ago �
- Turd Burglar thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is Ew about�an�hour�ago �
- ~DRE~ thinks What Men Think About Menstruation is LOL about�an�hour�ago �
- kodab What Men Think About Menstruation about�an�hour�ago �
When men start bleeding from there penis for a week, will talk.
- whitneyelamh What Men Think About Menstruation and thinks it?s LOL & Win about�2�hours�ago �
The funniest question I've heard was: ?Can't you control it?? No, it's not urine.
- What Men Think About Menstruation was featured on the homepage about�2�hours�ago �
Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleybaccam/what-men-think-about-menstruation
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