Culture Buzz Warning: Do not watch if you're frightened by clowns and/or yodeling. Yeah, I probably won't be getting any sleep tonight. (Via)
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View Stats Dashboard - Karen Neapolitan Yodeling Clown Puppets and thinks it?s Ew & OMG a�few�minutes�ago �
- liannejones thinks Yodeling Clown Puppets is LOL & WTF about�a�half�hour�ago �
- Aeron D. thinks Yodeling Clown Puppets is WTF about�an�hour�ago
- bigcrack666 thinks Yodeling Clown Puppets is WTF about�14�hours�ago
- Kris B. Yodeling Clown Puppets and thinks it?s WTF & LOL about�14�hours�ago �
oh man throwback! x)
- Provie Duggan thinks Yodeling Clown Puppets is Old, LOL & WTF about�23�hours�ago �
- phebed thinks Yodeling Clown Puppets is LOL about�23�hours�ago �
- Tashiaaa thinks Yodeling Clown Puppets is WTF about�23�hours�ago �
- Yodeling Clown Puppets is starting to go viral on StumbleUpon Stumble It about�a�day�ago �
http://www.teamsnap.com/groups/yodeling_clowns.phpWhat kind of drugs did they do to come up with this video?? Holy crap. I wonder if there's a yodeling phobia?
- rainbowcrab thinks Yodeling Clown Puppets is WTF about�a�day�ago �
Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/catesish/yodeling-clown-puppets-2gyn
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